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23-07-22 21 Odsłon

If you're like most people, September is a month of mixed emotions. On the one hand, this is the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year. But on the other hand, it is also a time for new beginnings, new starts and opportunities.

No matter how you feel about September, one thing is for sure: it is a month that comes with a lot of events and holidays. To help you stay organized (and make sure you don't miss anything), we've put together a calendar of all the key dates for September.

September 1— Labor Day

September 7—NFL season begins

September 11— Patriot Day

September 16 is International Dot Day

September 22 - the first day of autumn

September 23rd is National Dogs in Politics Day (seriously.)

These are just some of the key dates in September— there are many more! So be sure to check out our free printable daily calendar september (or your favorite online resource) to keep up to date with what's happening this month.

1360 Davis Drive

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